Kettlebell Class – King George – Wed, Oct 25


Kettlebell Class – King George – Wed, Oct 25

BIO CrossFit – King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

KB Warm Up 003 (No Measure)

Partner Lat Pulls

Hip Crossover – 7br/7br

2 rounds:

20 Rockers

Corner Stretch (7br) each side

Access Hinge – 7br

Squat to Hinge x 10

20 Toe Rockers

Cat Crawl ISO Hold

10 Cat Crawl Steps

5 rounds. of 4 min amrap (No Measure)

5 Rounds x AMRAP 4:

10 V-ups

20 SA Swings

Max Rounds of “The Chief”

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

[“The Chief”]:

3 Deadstop Cleans – heavy

6 Push-ups

9 Air Squats
Score is the rounds of chief