Upper Body Thursday


Upper Body Thursday

Bio Community Fitness- FREDERICKSBURG, BIO Community Fitness- King George – CrossFit

Behind The Neck Push Press

7 x 2reps climbing, every 2 minutes

Technique is key, only build to mod heavy load

Skill Set

Pull up/Ring Push Up Set

1A: Pausing Pull Ups (1 sec chin over bar) – push away into the next one – Increase your reps by 1 from last week’s numbers

1B: Ring Pushups – max unbroken with 3 second descend

4 Sets, rest 90 seconds between sets

**if you do not have strict pull ups yet, you will hold chin over bar, then slow descend 4-5 times (can jump to start position)

Single Arm Dumbell Pausing Push Press + Mixed Grip Chin Up (3 sets total)

4 left arm, 4 right arm DB Push Press with 2 second pause at top, rest 60 seconds, then do max UB mixed grip chin up, rest 90″ between sets. Go heavier than last week if possible