Kettlebell Class – King George – Mon, Oct 2


Kettlebell Class – King George – Mon, Oct 2

BIO CrossFit – King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

Metcon 3.1 (Time)

Hip Crossover – breath 7x each side

Open Book – 5 each side

GOATA 2-3x through

Rockers x 20

Bow Hip Stretch – 7br each side

Bow Hip Stretch Rockers x 10

Toe Rockers x 20

Crawl x 10 each side

Access Hinge – 7 Br

No Support Bow:


10 Min TGU practice – start with no load, and build as you go – we are doing 1/2 getups today just to the HIP up portion.

This is an EMOM – once you get the hip up you’re going to hold the position for 10 seconds. Next minute switch sides.


Warm up to the movements for the workout below:


4 Rounds For Time

10 Deadstop Swings

8 Deadlifts

10 Hand to Hand swings

6 Goblet Squats

10 Swings Left

4 Press Ups (2/2)

10 Swings Right

Rest 1 min