COVID-19 Update: 3/17
Hello BIO Community,
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Virginia has declared a State of Emergency and is asking citizens to refrain from gathering in groups larger than ten (10) persons. In a continued effort to keep our Bio Community Fitness community healthy, we will be limiting all classes to 9 clients and 1 coach. Please read through the following updates detailing how we will incorporate the recent guidance into our daily schedule to create the safest possible environment for our members:
OPTION to include as #1: Members are strongly encouraged to sign up for class on their Wodify app ahead of time. We will be monitoring numbers and will inform members if a particular class has reached the 9-client threshold. If you do not sign up in advance, and the class is already full, coaches will unfortunately be forced to turn members away at the door (we really don’t want to do this – by signing up ahead of time we can contact clients in advance to encourage them to come to an emptier class!).
1. All members must remain in their personal vehicles outside our facilities until one (1) minute before your class start time. This will allow members of the previous class to exit the facility before the members of the next class enter the facility; keeping our total gathering at 10 or fewer at all times.
2. The first five minutes of every class hour will be dedicated to washing hands before the coach goes over the workout at the white board. The coach will let you know what equipment you will need for the class and members are expected to continue our previously stated cleaning protocols for all equipment immediately after use.
3. When the workouts are completed, members must exit the gym and may not stick around to socialize or use any additional equipment. We LOVE our BIO Community, and strongly encourage our members to connect with one another socially via phone, text, Facetime, and other means during this outbreak. As always, your BIO coaches are also more than happy to connect virtually with members for support, assistance, and social interactions!
4. BIO coaches have been sked to evaluate members for signs of illness. Again, if you are feeling ill (coughing, sneezing, itchy throat, stuffy nose – anything), please stay at home for the safety of your fellow Bio community members, and so that our coaches don’t have to ask you to leave.
5. For those of you working out at home, we love all the questions and responses you are giving, keep it up! Feel free to tag Bio Community Fitness on your social media platforms as a way to continue interacting with the community.
We genuinely appreciate all of the patience the BIo Functional Fitness community has shown, and will commit to continue keeping our members as up-to-date as possible. We know that no matter what we will continue to get through this as a community. Your health and safety has always been our priority and will continue to be.
As always, do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!