Thursday – 9/17


Thursday – 9/17

Open Gym!  Come in with some weaknesses you want to work on/attack or see below for a cool (terrible?) option!


Yoga @ 5pm for $5.  Open to anyone!  Reminder that there will not be normal class offered from 5-6pm on Thursdays!


RunFit at 6pm!


1. Strength

Thursday “Either or”:

a. Back Squat

20 RM

Add 5# to what you did last time.  Yes, just 5#.  If you haven’t done this before, aim for ~60% of your current 1RM back squat.  I’d like you to take at least 2 attempts at the 20RM.  PS – you shouldn’t just jump into the set of 20 at 60%.  Warming up would be a brilliant idea =).

– OR –

b. Barbell Cycling

3 Rounds (not for time) increasing weight of –

3 High Hang Squat Clean + 3 Low Hang Squat Clean + 3 Squat Cleans (from ground) + 1 Push Press +

3 High Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Squat Cleans (from ground) + 1 Push Jerk +

3 High Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Squat Cleans (from ground) + 1 Split Jerk

Here’s a helpful hint:  start light.  Another helpful hint:  hook grip.  


2. MetCon – Lactate Threshold

3 Rounds, 1:30 on, 4:00 off of –

6 Burpees

12 Russian KBS, 53/35

Max Calories Row (high damper setting) in remaining time

This is not a time to be worried about strokes/min on the rower.  You should be pulling like your trying to outrun the Vikings (not the football team.  Well, maybe the football team) and that the number of calories on the monitor once the smoke settles denotes your worth to society and therefore the amount of *pizza* freely given to you.  Or insert your food vice *here*.


3. Extra Credit

a. Whichever you skipped from Number 1 😉

b. Yoga at 5! Be there TO be square. =)

Square..get it…??