Kettlebell Class – King George – Wed, Oct 11


Kettlebell Class – King George – Wed, Oct 11

BIO CrossFit – King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

Warm Up 102 (No Measure)

GOATA: 3 rounds

10/10/10 Rockers (normal, child, toe)

Corner Stretch

Access Hinge 7 breaths

Unsupported Bow w/Plate 7 breaths

10 Bolt Squat to Hinge


Shoulder Pails and Rails – external/internal rotation – 3 x 10/10s

Hip Flexion Hovers – kneeling, yoga block, lift foot up and over block x 10 each leg

Chipper (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 18 Min

Score is the reps of the last movement

100 Swings

80 Deadlifts

60 Snatches

40 Squats

Max Jump Rope or Machine Distance