Kettlebell Class – King George – Tue, May 23


Kettlebell Class – King George – Tue, May 23


Murph Party!

When: Saturday, May 27th at 8:00 AM (2-3 heats depending on #’s)

What is it? Murph (or 1/2 Murph) and KB Murph (for those who do the KB class)

Post Murph refreshments will be provide by BIO (AKA as Hollie)

Reservations for class open 72 hours in advance of class

BIO Community Fitness- King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

Pre-Hab 2.0 (Checkmark)

2 Rounds
20 Rockers
20 Tib Raises
15/15 Poloquin Step Ups
20/20 Soleous Calf Raises
10/10 KOT Split Squats
10 Pausing Tricep Extensions (use bench)
20 Bow Corner ISO Flow

12 Min EMOM (No Measure)

Min 1: 8 Alternating dead clean and presses

Min 2: 12 Alternating squat cleans (you’ll swing switch to other hand)

Min 3: 12 Hand passes = this is like around the world but you don’t go behind your back, and you only switch in the front – but pause with control at the side