Kettlebell Class – King George – Fri, Oct 13


Kettlebell Class – King George – Fri, Oct 13

BIO CrossFit – King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

Warm Up 101 (No Measure)

FM – Golfer and Bear Hug

GOATA: 3 rounds

10/10/10 Rockers (normal, child, toe)

Corner Stretch

Access Hinge 7 breaths

Unsupported Bow w/Plate 7 breaths

10 Bolt Squat to Hinge


Then: 10 Turkish get ups, start light and build weight as you feel.

Teams of 2 for Time (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

30 Pop Squat Cleans

30 Pullups

800m Run/Row (choice) – or 1200 bike
Break up the reps between partners. Go heavy on the pop squat cleans. Scale pullups as needed