Group Class – Thu, Dec 8


Group Class – Thu, Dec 8

BIO Community Fitness- King George – Group Class


100 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)[61/43]

Every Break:

100 Meter Farmers Carry (50’s/35’s) [22.5/15]

Double Under Challenge Day 5

1. Skill Development

3 Rounds for Quality with MEDIUM rope (round 1 = eyes open, round 2 = eyes closed, round 3 = eyes open)

A. 20 Reps “Big Singles” ▶️ Rest / partition as needed

Focus on jumping with feet together and HIGHER than a normal single under. Keep a slow, controlled, and steady pace. We are working on Jump Control in this drill.

B. 20 Reps “Speed Singles” ▶️ Rest / partition as needed

These are done for speed. Your jump can be as short and quick as you want

C. 20 Reps “Penguin Claps” ▶️ Rest / partition as needed

D. 10-20x Double Under Total Reps and/or Attempts. Rest/Partition as needed.

I care about your JUMP CONTROL and ROPE SPEED