Group Class – Thu, Dec 22


Group Class – Thu, Dec 22

BIO Community Fitness- King George – Group Class

Amateur Boxing (Checkmark)

Not For Time Thursday!

5 Rounds for Quality

10 Dumbbell Box Step-ups (24″/20″)

30 Double Unders

10 Dumbbell Push Jerks

30 Double Unders

Dumbbells: (50’s/35’s)

Double Under Challenge Day 16 (Checkmark)

Double Unders Warm-up

40 “Speed Singles” w/  HEAVY  Rope  ▶️

AFAP (As Fast As Possible)

• Rest 30s

10 “Big Singles” w/  HEAVY  Rope  ▶️

ASLAP (As Slow As Possible)

• Rest 30s

40 “Speed Singles” w/  MEDIUM  Rope  ▶️

AFAP(As Fast As Possible)

• Rest 30s

10 “Big Singles” w/  MEDIUM  Rope  ▶️

ASLAP (As Slow As Possible)

• Rest 30s

60 seconds of Double Under Practice with  MEDIUM  rope (remember…quality, not quantity!)

2. Skill Work:

Option A (if you only have one rope)

3 or 4 rounds for quality:

30x “Speed Singles”  ▶️

rest 30 seconds

10x “Big Singles”  ▶️

rest 30 seconds

5x Penguin Claps  ▶️

rest 10 seconds

5x “Big Singles” + Max effort double unders (unbroken, try to stay SLOW!)

Option B (if you have a heavy rope available)

3 or 4 rounds for quality:

30x “Speed Singles” w/ heavy rope  ▶️

rest 30 seconds

10x “Big Singles” w/ heavy rope ▶️

rest 30 seconds

5x “Big Singles” + Max effort double unders w/ medium OR speed rope

After Party (Checkmark)

3 Supersets:

10 Supinated Grip Ring Rows

20 Single Leg Glute Bridges (10 Each Side)

Rest 1:30 Between Sets