Goals for 2013!


Goals for 2013!

With 2012 coming to an end we have another opportunity to set goals for our future. But, at Bio Community Fitness we are going to handle what we do with these goals a little differently. We are going to post them for all to see on a “Goals Board”, the only thing different about our goal board is that it will all be written in permanent marker so that we cannot erase or change them. You see the biggest challenge the average person has when they set goals for their New Years resolution is that they make them to broad, which makes them to easy to change.

Your goals will be in 2 parts, and they can be anything you would like them to be as well as long as you would like them to be. The first part will be a short term goal which you would like to have completed in 2-4 months, an example “I would like to lose 10 pounds”. The second part will be long term goals, something you hope to complete by years end ” I would like for all my Olympic lifts to be over 200lbs”.

What I want this goal board to be is something that can constantly be added too. A place where you can see your goals every time you come in be reminded that you promised yourself you would complete that challenge. The goals do not have to be Functional Fitness related, or workout related if you don’t want them to be. Lets make 2013 a year of progression not a year of settling.

I would like to have all the goals turned in by January 12th! EVERYONE must participate! Every day past January 12th you do not have a goal written on the board, you will complete that many rounds of 13 burpees. So that means if you are 5 days late you will complete 65 burpees before each workout. So start thinking of what your goals will be now!goals-poster

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