Embrace Discomfort


Embrace Discomfort

It has been a little over a month since the doors opened at B.I.O. Functional Fitness and in that time I have heard countless reasons why people have not started started Functional Fitness before now. The number one reason has been simple “I’m scared”, and believe me I understand! I have been in the same situation as everyone when it came time to start something new and different. But when it came down to it, I wanted something different to challenge me.

Functional Fitness is intimidating, not because its that much harder than anything else out there, but of how it is perceived to the general public. Unfortunately the current generation believes that reaching any goal is easy, and leaving your comfort zone is not the way to do it. But its not! Its hard, frustrating, exhausting, painful, emotional, and it plain old sucks!

An old friend of mine started a blog of his own on fitness not to long ago www.nogym.net . It gives you the knowledge to work towards your goal without medication but through dedication.

Today he posted what I think to be the perfect article that correlates with my philosophy at B.I.O. perfectly! And I believe EVERYONE (especially the ones who don’t do Functional Fitness) should read!

How To Embrace Discomfort

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