Tuesday – 9/15


Tuesday – 9/15

1. Strength

Front Squat + Push Press + Split Jerk

a. Work up to a heavy single of the above complex

b. Then perform 3×2@85-95% of the above complex without the push press (Front Squat + Split Jerk)

One rep is one front squat into push press into split jerk.  The doubles will be 2 front squats into 2 split jerks. You will most likely fail the push presses before anything else, and that is as designed.  Once you reach that point, continue into part (b) of today’s work.  You can either keep the weights the same across for your three sets or increase each set as long as you are aiming for the 85-95% range.


2. MetCon

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2

Power Snatch, 95/65

OHS, 95/65


We performed this metcon on 8/11/2015.  Compare your times between today and then.  


If you are looking for a way to better “game” this workout, think about last time you did it and where you struggled.  Perhaps you rested too much and at inopportune/less beneficial times? (hint: you should not be resting between your last power snatch and your first OHS) Perhaps you didn’t gut out the first few sets of OHS (we did sets of 10 OHS a few weeks back, was yours over the RX number?  If so, did you hold on for the first three rounds?) ((second hint: if you drop the OHS in the middle of a set, you have to perform an extra power snatch THAT DOESN’T COUNT to get it back overhead.  Food for thought!)  Perhaps you didn’t take advantage of the extra credit snatch work we’ve been doing.  I know not everyone can do extra credit every day, but when you see something you want to get better at pop up there…maybe you could carve out the extra 20-30 minutes it would take?  Just some more trinkets to think about!


3. Extra Credit

a. 10 min EMOM

Odd – 5 Power Cleans + 6 T2B (you choose the weight)

Even – 5 Burpee to 6″ Target + 6 Pull-ups

b. 10 min flush on Rower/walking/bike/pool