Thursday 9/20/18


Thursday 9/20/18

Bio Community Fitness East- King George, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Functional Fitness

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30/21 Calorie Assault Bike

30 AbMat Sit-ups

20 Dumbbell Box Step-ups

(35’s/20’s to a 20″ Box)
In this triplet workout, athletes will choose a weight and height on the dumbbell box step-ups that they could complete 30+ repetitions consecutively without having to break. Dumbbell box step-ups are a great single leg strengthening exercise that resembles everyday activities like walking up stairs. With a dumbbell in both hands, athletes will alternate legs on each rep, completing 10 reps total on each side. Note that these are step ups and not step overs. Athletes will reach full extension on the box before coming back down on the same side. If you are short on bikes, stagger heats by three minutes. If unable to Assault Bike, complete 30/21 Calorie Row