Bio Community Fitness East- KING GEORGE, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Functional Fitness
Capital Affiliate League Competition on Saturday (we will have normal class at 10am) – come on out and support the BIO Team.
Foundation Training on Wednesday night at 7pm – great hour for mobility/core strength!
Welcome back Max!
January Warm Up (No Measure)
Row 500m at 15 strokes per minute
Bear Crawl (front, back, sideways, and straight legs)
1/2 Dead Bug – 10x each side
Banded Squats – 10x
One Armed Pushups – 5 each arm
Accumulate 2′ of hanging from bar using different grips
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5:00 – Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 5:00
4:00 – 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
Rest 4:00
3:00 – Power Cleans (Choose one weight)
Guys: 75, 95, 135, 155 Girls: 55, 65, 95, 105
Rest 3:00
2:00 – Wallball Shots (20/14)
Rest 2:00
1:00 – Max Unbroken Pull-Ups
Record each score separately, for a total of (5) scores.