Olympics reaching out.
The London Olympics have come to an end. With the sheer amount of events that take place at the Olympics the average american only see’s about 40%-50% of what goes on. Unless you are the select few who watched most of it through your smart phones (Myself included) you missed out on the amazing feats that people were reaching; the sheer amount of weight being lifted in the Olympic lifts, the amazing reaction time of Badminton (Yes I know crazy, but the Birdie actually travels over 200MPH!!). The small things make all the difference when experiencing the Olympics, I myself have always loved watching the Olympics from seeing friends I have grown up competing against now swimming on the biggest stage to the off sports that no one really knows about. (Handball, Badminton, Table Tennis etc.)
But this year the Games did something that put a more lasting impression. They are not avoiding the epidemic facing children today, OBESITY! 1 out of 3 children today are considered overweight or obese, and this years Olympics showed that it doesnt have to stay that way. Companies such as NIKE and Facebook had ads throughout the course of the games showing that you don’t have to be amazing athletic to be great, you only need to take the step to change. My favorite commercial shown below was by far my favorite of them all and it explains so much with very little needing to be said.
Dont be another statistic, it all starts with a goal!
This really is a great commercial!