Monday 8/20/18


Monday 8/20/18

Bio Community Fitness East- King George, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Functional Fitness

Powder Keg (3 Rounds for reps)


600 Meter Run

1 Round of Cindy

Max Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Rest 5 Minutes


400 Meter Run

2 Rounds of Cindy

Max Clean and Jerks (155/105)

Rest 5 Minutes


200 Meter Run

3 Rounds of Cindy

Max Clean and Jerks (185/135)
Three 5-minute windows today with descending run distance and ascending rounds of “Cindy” and barbell weights. 1 Round of “Cindy” is 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, and 15 Air Squats. The scores for each round are how many clean and jerks athletes were able to complete. The weights on the barbell should be something that athletes are capable of completing at least 15, 10, and 5 unbroken repetitions respectively when fresh.

With the clean and jerks being the scored portions, we want all athletes to reach the barbell during these windows. Choosing the appropriate run distances and variations for the pull-ups and push-ups will allow athletes to accomplish that. We can aim for athletes to have at least :45 seconds to 1 minute at each barbell. If they haven’t finished their rounds of Cindy by that time, they can head to the barbell and start chipping away at clean and jerks.