Kettlebell Class – King George – Tue, May 30


Kettlebell Class – King George – Tue, May 30

BIO Community Fitness- King George – Kettlebell Class – King George

Pre-Hab 2.0 (Checkmark)

2 Rounds
20 Rockers
20 Tib Raises
15/15 Poloquin Step Ups
20/20 Soleous Calf Raises
10/10 KOT Split Squats
10 Pausing Tricep Extensions (use bench)
20 Bow Corner ISO Flow

5 Rounds For Time (Time)

12 Bench Squats (or box squats – 90 degrees or less) 2 bells

6/6 seated presses (one bell)

6/6 Single Leg Deadlift 2 bells – put leg not being used either elevated slightly behind you (put foot on your bench) or on the ground behind you trying to avoid using the foot back foot (if using only 1 bell then make sure it’s on the same side as the leg out front)

15 Cal Row/Bike or Run 200