Kettlebell Class 3/3/16
Bio Community Fitness East- KING GEORGE, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Kettlebell Class
(No Measure)
4 Rounds – start with no weight then increase weight for each round
1L/1R Get Up
Crawl 25 feet
10 Swings (start with lightest weight)
Crawl backwards 25 feet
1L/1R Get Up
After 4 rounds
Metcon (Weight)
Then perform this complex (a complex is performing each exercise listed in sequence without rest).
4 Rounds – NFT
Swings x 15 (double hand)
Turkish get up x 1 r/l
Snatches x 10 r/l
Clean & Front Squat x 5 r/l
Press x 5 r/l
Rest 1-2 minutes, then repeat