Friday – 8/14


Friday – 8/14

1. Strength/Skill

Handstand Work

20 minutes to work on that inverted life!

Did you struggle with kipping the HSPUs at the beginning of the week?  Do you think a little practice with the box-pike HSPUs would benefit you next time they came around? Have you never kicked up into a handstand simply because you’ve never tried?  Let’s work on this stuff TODAY.  WHOA!!!


2. MetCon

5 Rounds for time

10 Ring Dips

10 Pull-ups

100′ Lunges (4 Down & Backs)

I promise this one is sneaky.  If you attack it (and you should) just about everything in your body will be letting you know.


3. Extra Credit

a. 10 Rounds of

10 Cal, Assault Bike SPRINT

Rest :45 between attempts

Score is total time it takes to get through the calories.  Also, the bike will continue to count after you stop spinning.  Your 10 calories starts from where the wheel stopped, not from the last increment (i.e. you won’t be doing 10, 20, 30, …).

b. L-sit Work

Try and accumulate 60 seconds in some variation of the L-sit.

c. Call your mom/dad/grandparents/people who raised you and tell them they did an awesome job.  If you have the opportunity, give ’em the high ten they deserve for making you awesome.  If you can’t do that, come find Coach David and give him one because you deserve some from somebody.