Tuesday 2/21/17
Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG, Bio Community Fitness East- King George – Functional Fitness
OPEN Workout 17.1 will be released Thursday Evening at games.crossfit.com after the announcment we will send out an email letting you know where Friday Night Lights will be held.
REMINDER: All Friday afternoons for next 5 weeks will only have a 4pm class and Friday Night Lights will start at/about 5:30pm at the Pre announced Location! Make sure to check in with your team to coordinate to help cheer everyone on!
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
400 Meter Row
21 Hang Power Cleans (115/80#)
18 Step-Back Lunges (115/80#)
15 Over-the-Bar Burpees
Countering yesterday’s interval training, we are looking for a moderate intensity held for a longer duration today. Incorporating step-back lunges today, a stationary reverse lunge where one step is one repetition. These are completed with the bar in the front rack position.