Monday 4/3/17
March Commitment Club you all have a “Get out of Burpees Free” pass! You can use it once during any class in April and get out of ALL Burpees for that day! (They will be replaced with something else, of coaches choice)
Sarah Qasmi- 19
Cassie Hooghouse-18
Jennifer Oaks- 18
Brian Priester- 17
Virginia Melson- 17
Jennifer Leinberger-17
Alan Melson-17
Jim Bibens-16
Cynthia Chance-16
John Chance-16
Breana Priester-16
Sandy Elia-16
Nikki Basham-16
Niki Bernardes-16
Mary Alexander-16
John Chance-15
Marilyn Fisher-15
Iliana Chavarria-15
David Luck-15
Great Job to Everyone who made the club this month, and use your passes wisely
Bio Community Fitness East- King George, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Functional Fitness
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds:
Min 1: 1 Round of Strict Cindy
Min 2: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 3: Max Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Snatch
2. Snatch Pull
3. Back Squat