Friday Class Update!
There will be one Morning class tomorrow at 5:30am it will be lead by Coach Jasen.
Our High School 3pm Class is still cancelled.
All PM Classes are still on!
For all the AM people who missed out on the Back Squat 1 RM will test out tomorrow morning.
Everyone will be completing the OPEN WORKOUT 14.1 during tomorrow Class. If you have signed up for the OPEN you will need a judge to verify your score, if you wish to compete with other people going for scores Functional Fitness Forward is opening their doors to anyone who wants to compete in a group setting. That will be at 10am Saturday Morning, get there early if you wish to join in on the event!
Coach Max Update:
After 2 days of a fever reaching the high 103’s I went to the doctor and found out that I have Strep. Because of it contagious ways I will be staying out of the gym until Saturday at the Earliest. I should be back in action Monday! I apologize for the Morning members who couldnt come in during my absence, believe me it was hard on me too!