Thursday 2/20- OPEN GYM
Come in and work on any lifts or mobility you want to go over! Great chance to get ahead of the game!
Wednesday 2/19
Strength: Back Squat (3 Sec Hold at Bottom) 5×3 Snatch 5×2 WOD 15,9,6,3 Front Squat Toes 2 Bar Push Ups
Tuesday 2/18
Strength- 50% Snatch Work 15 Min WOD 3 Rounds 400 Meter Run 10 Ring Dips 5 Sit Ups
Monday 2/17
Strength- 50% Front Squat 5×5 Clean 5×1 WOD 5 Min Amrap 10 DeadLifts 5 Shoulder to OVH 10 Box Jumps
Normal Hours for Presidents Day!
Due to the snow hindering our schedule last week we will have normal operating hours tomorrow!
Sunday 2/16 Rest Day
Take the day of and relax on this day of rest!
Saturday 2/15
Partner WOD Come in and get a great workout before your weekend begins!
Friday afternoon classes are on!
3,4,5, and 6 o’clock are still on! Snow doesn’t stop crossfit!
Friday Morning Classes Cancelled!
With the amount of snow we have gotten we will have to cancel tomorrow mornings classes. We WILL have afternoon classes!
Bio Community Fitness Closed for the Day!
Since I am still unable to get out of my driveway we will be closed for the remainder of the day. As of now we... Read More