Friday – 9/11- A Day That will live in Infamy!
Take a moment to think of the over 2 thousand people who lost their lives on this day 14 years ago…
1. Strength
Turkish Get-up
Work up to a heavy single ON EACH SIDE
This shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes.
2. MetCon
21 – 15 – 9
Yep. This is going to be just as awesome as it looks. I know, I know. You hate me.
3. Extra Credit
a. Ring Dips – 7 sets of whatever variation at whatever reps was done last Friday (i.e. if you did 5 sets of 3 reps last Friday, this would be 7 sets of 3 – same variation). Keep rest long enough as it needs to be.
b. 400m Lunges. Yep. Have fun!