Tuesday – 8/4
5 x Max Effort (M.E.)
These should be as strict as you can make them. If you are “dolphin-ing” your way to the 50’s or 60’s, you’re missing the point of this as strength.
12 Minute AMRAP
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
RX – 155/110
A solid time for DT (5 rounds of the above combo) is sub-10. If you can get 5+ rounds on this, you’re doing it right. If you doubt your ability to get this amount of work with the RX weight listed LOWER THE WEIGHT. I don’t want any “RX Heroes” who get through 2 rounds and question why this was an AMRAP.
Extra Credit
Pec/Forearm Mobility – 2 minutes per side
5 x M.E.
Be smart about this. Pick the variation you need to work on (strict, kipping, butterfly, C2B, etc). To get the desired stimulus here you should be on the bar for at least 30 seconds each effort (which will mean you should probably rest a little too, huh?). I would rather you do the mobility if you only have time for one thing. If you rip your hands a small kitten will be left by the side of a busy highway. Just sayin’. Don’t do it.