Monday 6/5/17- WELCOME BACK!!


Monday 6/5/17- WELCOME BACK!!

Bio Community Fitness East- King George, Bio Community Fitness West- FREDERICKSBURG – Functional Fitness

After a nice vacation Coach Max and Debi are back and ready to jump right into it!
These next few weeks we will be having a 10-15 min section called “Back to Basics” we felt like this is the perfect time to reinforce the basics of each movement so as to improve everyones abilities!

Back to Basics

Toes-To-Bar (10-15 Minutes of skill work)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


18 Calorie Row

15 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)

12 Toes-to-Bar

9 Front Squats (95/65)
rx+= Dumbells- 50s/35’s